Why I Decided To Spill The Chai With Laughter

This Monday I am travelling down to the fantastic Vaults Festival. I have always dreamed of doing a show, of doing a festival and thought my first festival would be more close to home aka the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. But it was only last year that I started to do more stand up comedy. I did 2 small 10 minute sets and then all of a sudden, the Vaults Festival applications were open and I thought why not.

I didn’t know fully what the show was going to be or why I was doing this. But then I thought of myself since coming out and my crazy experiences with guys and racism. But even with all the pain I thought that there comes a time where we need to look at the laughter of it all. I was tired of being hurt when I thought that joy was coming and each one is a crazy experience that when speaking to friends, they would always say that the material writes itself.

I am now really happy in life and all the stories are just a chapter in the life to me finding the one, which I have <3

There is a real excitement about the festival but also a real nervousness. I have never done a full one hour stand up show, but since the pandemic I started writing more and then ventured into poetry. And last year I said to myself as I go into my 30s, I wanted to start challenging myself. And I feel by doing comedy and spoken word, I am definitely challenging myself. I have always enjoyed doing stand up and making people laugh. When I have hosted events like the Glasgow Mela, I have always enjoyed the comedic elements.

And why not put both things of poetry and comedy together. And channel the heartbreaks of the past into laughs for the future.

And so came the idea of “Love Me Like A Chai Tea Latte”, a space to make people laugh and let go of pain fro the past.

So with only 48 hours to go until I go on stage at the Flair Ground at the Vaults, here is why I chose to spill the chai the laughter!

Hope to see you there if you are free on the 7th or 8th of February at 8:30pm. Come along to the Vaults Festival for some Spicy Racism and Sweet Chai!

Much Love

Sanjay x :)





2022: A Year of Surprise Creativity.