South Asian Heritage Month Begins

So this year, the 17th of July to the 18th August is the FIRST EVER SOUTH ASIAN HERITAGE MONTH!

I was so happy to hear this month was happening as growing up I was never taught in education about my history and how my ancestors fought during world wars and how empire ripped India apart. I never saw myself on TV except for stereotypes or people thinking that all south asians were, were terrorists, waiters, corner-shop owners. We were only films like East is East or Bend It Like Beckham. Gatekeepers on TV have never given a south asian breakthrough show for a while, mainly we are portrayed in big dramas that only circle around 1 time, which is around Partition.

I am so happy to see South Asian heritage be seen. The UK was not made on one racial group or another, we all ave contributed to this country in different ways. Racism is still alive and any POC can say that still. I have always been sad never to be educated about my history and now we are.

One thing we need, is proper allyship, not just when big events happen. Allyship to me should never stop. Being a POC in todays world is not easy. We are all learning constantly and we should never stop learning.

I want to have this as a positive post and I hope going forward we see more diverse education, we see black and asian history shared in our curriculum. I want to see Asian people also realising the things we have to learn to become better ally’s.

But to the gatekeepers who just see us as one things, who say there isn’t any South Asian talent in Britain, well do your work because we do exist, we have existed for many centuries and have shaped this land.

Also the largest minority group in Scotland is the South Asian Community!

But excited for this month and the creativity that will be coming with it!

The links to the month of events can be found here:

Once the month is done, I will give a wee update on what I got up to!

Have a great month! :D

Image Credit : South Asian Heritage Month Website


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